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Hey there, I’m Jerry Durbin, a Bladesmith (knife maker) from Middleton, Idaho. My love affair with sharp edged tools has followed me throughout my life having owned fine knives over many decades. For me, knives are tools best kept sharp and used daily.

I officially started making knives in 2014 as a single source maker, meaning my knives are hand-crafted one at a time in my shop by my hands. My knives start life as high carbon steel shaped either through the heat of forge and anvil or by stock removal.

I hand-craft a variety of knife styles, including culinary, feather/fin/fur/outdoor, straight razors and wood carving tools. I also create custom knife designs for customers unique needs. Come by the shop and we’ll design a knife just for you. 

Stay Safe & Stay Sharp!

Jerry Durbin

ABANA (Artist-Blacksmith’s Association of North America)  

ABS - Apprentice smith (American Bladesmith Society) 

IKA (Idaho Knife Association)

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